Why Does the World Hate Us?

I've never experienced this type of "hate". I feel it may help that I recognize having sex with a child will always be wrong. My belief has nothing to do with a law, but everything to do with what I've seen, heard and experienced. The hundreds of stories from survivors, all of who are stronger then I'll ever be.

It may also help that I recognize all forms of real child porn are harmful, and that even by accessing this material you are hurting a child in some way. Either by violating the victim, or by encouraging the cowards who actually do sexually abuse kids.

Just an FYI, if you've ever watched something where a kid is enjoying it, it's because they've been manipulated and brainwashed. Someone has twisted their vulnerable brain, and groomed them. Once they're older, that's when they realize a fucking monster disregarded their sexuality, their individuality and their consent, and used them as a toy for their own pleasure. They'll realize that every time the coward whispered "I love you" the words were hollow and meaningless.

Loving a child means putting their needs above your desires. It means fostering their imagination and sense of wonder. It means them being able to trust you unconditionally and wholeheartedly.

If you say this to someone (either online or IRL) I feel like the majority of people wouldn't hate you:

"Hey, I really care about kids. I want them to be safe and wish child sexual abuse didn't exist. I've never hurt a child and never, ever will. It kinda sucks, but ever since I was young I've felt sexually attracted to kids. I'm not proud of that. I'm a pedophile."

People will always hate you, especially online. Every group and minority gets hate on the internet.

If you don't want hate, don't publicly talk about being a pedophile. Do something good so people love you.

I want people to hate my pedophilia. It would be fucked up if they accepted and encouraged it. Their hatred fuels my desire to push past my confirmation-bias. It makes me see it from their perspective.

Their hatred saved me.

/r/pedofriends Thread