Does your town have a horseback Jesus?

My town had "pluto" and our neighboring town had "bobelob lise", I once walked by bobelob lise and said "hi bobelob lise" She hated it when we called her that, and i was a kid so i just thought it was fun. She screamed at me to go home and hide because the geese were comming for me.

Pluto had the most tragic backstory. He had already lost most of his (if not all, i cant totally recall) to accidents and disease, including two children, one in a car accident. He used to work road construction and one day a steamroller malfunctioned and was driving on it's own and was headed for a bunch of people, Pluto chased it down got in and turn it of the road but he couldn't stop it. So it hit a bump and he was thrown of the roller an it ran him over. He ended up with major head injuries. Now he stands by the local grocery store and tells people to wear seat belts and get super fucking angry (verbally, never physically) when someone doesn't. He talks about random stuff with anyone who'll listen, he's super nice but has the knowledge of an adult in the mind of a dysfunctional child. He was a fucking hero and it cost him.

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