Why doesn’t anyone seem to know what “social construct” means?

I am not the best person to comment on this, but here is the biggest difference I see between the concept of gender and race.

I could have been born male, female, or some level of intersex. However, due to both of my parents being white, there was no reality where I would have been a different race. Therefore, one is malleable socially and the other is not.

This is especially to say that I am from a white family, and therefore I have innate social privilege given to me by my family. If I change my race socially, I do not lose that familial privilege, it still exists for me while I act as though I’m an oppressed minority. This does not exist for trans women- regardless of familial ties, trans women lose their male privilege when they transition.

There are also totally different functions to each of these concepts- race is typically still utilized to oppress minorities whereas gender has changed to be more of a way to express oneself rather than a way to find a partner. Yes, the struggles are similar but they are not the same and can not be equated

/r/NonBinaryTalk Thread Parent