Why doesn't the foundation investigate anomalies more rigorously?

In the case of SCP-914 over 1700 tests have been performed. Here is one with a camera:

Test 914-0410

Name: Researcher Westrin

Date: 12/02/2019

Total Items: One experimental custom camera, capable of recording in high quality despite being severely damaged, connected to a monitor

Input: One experimental custom camera

Setting: Very Fine

Output: Three miniature Canon PowerShot SX420 IS HD 20MP Wi-Fi Digital Cameras.

Experimental Camera Footage

00:01: SCP-914's door closes, and the camera is inserted into an opening in the side of the machine.

00:07: The camera enters a series of spinning gears, severely damaging the camera. The camera continues to be functional.

00:12: The camera exits the enclosed space and falls into a contraption similar in appearance to a conveyor belt, built entirely in pulleys and gears.

00:15: The inside of SCP-914 is noted to be larger than its outside, as the conveyor belt is surrounded by a large amount of empty space, which is filled with [REDACTED]. Four towers, estimated to be several kilometers high, are seen in the distance. Further examination reveals these towers to be entirely constructed out of [REDACTED] and other unknown materials.

00:16: Several machines extend from the fog and begin to [REDACTED], changing the camera's shape. Before connection is cut, footage of a humanoid entity is seen behind one of the machines. Further examination reveals this to be [DATA EXPUNGED]. The subject's lower body is missing, the subject's torso is suspended within the air, and their spine extends down below the conveyor belt, with the spine having approximately 6000 vertebra.

00:19: A final machine extends from the fog and [REDACTED], causing the camera's connection to be severed.

Note: It is to be noted that the three cameras that SCP-914 spat out had a higher than baseline cognitohazardous residue corruption. The true contents of SCP-914 cannot be discerned. -Researcher Westrin.

/r/SCP Thread