[[Dog's favorite view]]

Pups don’t really take pleasure from natural scenery. However, they do enjoy watching you enjoy things. Your pup, as we all know, can sense your emotional state and if he sees that you’re enjoying yourself, he’s going to feed off of that.

Really, they can sense a lot more than just emotions in us. Feeling motivated one day? So is your pup. Feeling accomplished? Your pup is too! The studies are popping up all over and a bit of googling will take you down an incredible rabbit hole.

The most interesting part of it is that your dog can also feed off of your intelligence. Smarter people have smarter dogs. It’s been known for decades but it hasn’t been public knowledge. However, During The 1940s many leading rocket scientists had to modify their behavior around their pups, including having the dog spend more time with their friends. They cities their hours at work but there was more to the story.

The declassified documents released a few years back show that their dogs were gathering at night and designing rocket-based methods to use on the neighborhood cats. Water bombs and citrus missiles were a very near reality in an already tumultuous time.

Today, geniuses have to sign documents claiming they won’t talk shop with their dogs and they have to agree to do at least 2 hours of “baby talk” per day. That’s why you see grown women and men doing weird stuff with their dogs in public sometimes. It’s for the cats!

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