Doinb discloses that at least 2 LCK midlaners will head to LPL next season.

I just witnessed the essence of LEC fans with all their pride and little hope that LEC is still relevant region even without G2.

Last 2 world finals were LPL vs LEC (both won by LPL, coz LPL is the best region rn), MSI won by LEC. LEC is not the best, but they are far from irrelevant

And no that is not the case. LEC was and would be only relevant because they were producing a lot of A level talents who were only decent enough to compete at QF but never more until they got Caps and Perkz.

How many players do you want before you can say that the region is decent? 100? And there are other EU players that are world class, not just Caps and Perkz.

yet all the LEC fans want to believe is that LEC is at least better than NA and historically competitive when they weren't able to make historically decent teams until last 2 years.

I mean nothing against NA, but isn't this true?

SKT went 1-1 against FNC but noone in right mind would bet FNC would beat SKT in Bo5.

Would or not would result is 1-1. They haven't played Bo5 so we can't say anything. They were in the same group so the only way for them to play Bo5 was to reach the final, but neither of them did that.

SKT drops 1 game against SPY and suddenly they are shit? LOL What an interesting logic from LEC fan.

I didn't say that they are shit because they lost to SPY, I sad they are bad/worse than G2 and that is true (2019 rosters of G2 and SKT played 11 games and the result is 8-3). Btw see how I don't use would, I just state facts that really happend.

Like honestly, LEC fans really need to wake up from the belief that LEC is the best region when it is not.

LEC is not the best, LPL is

And put Knight and Zoom in FPX and they would probably be the champions.

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