Doing my first DNS migration tonight.

Ugh... glad you had a good night.

I'm in central time zone. It's 3AM. I just got done unfucking a bunch of things from an entire full stack migration and when I say unfuck, I mean crutched until Monday.

I swear, no matter how much things work in your test environment, prod is about to show you some shit. Right now I have my work laptop taking the full load of video transcode automation because my Windows transcode boxes don't wanna connect to the Linux samba share anymore. No rhyme or reason.. worked fine on the very server I migrated everything to when I was testing. It was the easiest type of thing, too... side by side stuff, fold services over to the tested box, change DNS, here's your new daddy...


And not only nope, but only nope from certain Windows machines. Which happen to be my transcoders.

I literally swapped production over from an old platform to new apache, tomcat, postgres, centOS, and everything is fine. But samba... it's picky, apparently. Some Windows boxes just don't like it, and it's the same IP, workgroup and everything.

I don't get it right now.

/r/sysadmin Thread