Doing a podcast episode about the link between disorder and intelligence. Looking for a guest to discuss their experience and insight.

There's a lot of hype out there about how ADHD is a gift, and that can really deligitimize how disabling it can be. Many people with ADHD value their traits that they see as positive aspects associated with ADHD. Some focus on that. And even those of us who don't focus on that still try to find value within ourselves, just like anybody else. But many of us have been too negatively impacted by the difficulties it's caused to view it as a gift, and the hype to the contrary feels invalidating. ADHD isn't well understood or taken seriously by the mainstream media and much of the public. I think it would really benefit our population if you educate yourself on the counter-argument. I think these videos are a good place to start.

Barkley Talk 1:

Barkley Talk 2:

Some excerpts from Brown's talks (there's more than this worth listening to, obviously):

Another important aspect to this is that many people with ADHD are undiagnosed, have difficulty obtaining a diagnosis/effective treatment from health care providers (this is a huge issue, which you will see all over this sub), and encounter resistance from loved ones or employers about the validity of a diagnosis and appropriate medications and accommodations. The whole "moral failure" thing that's discussed by Barkley takes a huge toll on many of us at the level of feeling accepted, having positive self-regard, believing in oneself, having hope and motivation, etc. well beyond the impact that the disorder itself does. That does have practical implications beyond just affecting how we feel because that affects our choices and actions. For so many of us, having ADHD has been truly traumatizing and has deeply impacted our quality of life in many or all domains.

I hope you can take the time to watch these and decide to offer some of this information in your podcast. I appreciate you coming to us for input!

/r/ADHD Thread