Doing research: care to talk about shrooms?

Ok I will give you a show. Currently, I am Elvis. I choose that name because he hid in his house while taking a lot of drugs, eventually dying on his bathroom floor. Before that I was /u/hodlingmytripinmybut because I was afraid to poop my trip out. Initially my funny names and crazy threads are met with downboats but if I keep talking I earn some respect for helping others with their questions about shrooms. In my humble opinion, the /r/shrooms community is the nicest of the drug subs.

I have been enjoying shrooms on and off since the 1990s, much more so in the last year. It correlates with a reduction in alcohol and cocaine use, maybe there is something there. I am not a scientist, all I have ever managed to grow was mold. The only spiritual leader I tend to follow is Rogers Waters and his fantastic music.

I have never had a mystical experience that I am willing to discuss. I believe I've bumped up against the edge of reality a few times with some odd experiences I can not fully explain but I don't like to discuss them because they often result in annoying debates with closed minded people. If you want to see that war raging, check out /r/psychonaut and /r/rationalpsychonaut.

I believe mushrooms may have helped me end a minor cocaine addiction but I have no conclusive proof of that. I used e-cigs to quit smoking a few years ago, if you slowly reduce your dose, its easy.

I believe mushrooms may have increased my memory recall. This may be caused by all the additional communications that take place while you are under the influence. Distant memories which I suddenly remembered while tripping have stayed with me long after the trip ended.

To be honest, a lot of what I enjoy about shrooms is this community. We help and entertain each other. I'm honored to participate.

/r/shrooms Thread