Dolmen Wayshrine Equality

You see people!? This is what a proper response should look like. This gentleman (or lady) compiled a clear and concise counterargument, and did it without sarcasm, belittling, or any other sort of derogatory actions. I was going to delete this thread because it was completely toxic and just turned into a shouting match, but you have restored my faith in this community.

I hadn't thought of the repercussions of spreading out the population between Dolmens in different zones. I know that things aren't always going to be equal, however as someone who just spent the past 30+ hours at Dolmens in Alik'r Desert leveling an alt, I was tired of running to the same three Dolmens over and over, getting items I would never use (not that I would anyways because of it being low-level; I'm just referring to the sets in general).

On my main I remember spending 10+ hours in Bangkorai running the same 3 Dolmens looking for Spriggan's accessories, and ran into the issue of players sitting at the first Dolmen, as the center Dolmen is a 1 minute run (which in reality isn't that long, but long enough to make people not want to do it) from the nearest Wayshrine, and would end up having to solo or duo that particular Dolmen.

I know other members of my guild have also ran into similar issues (if you'd call it that) when trying to farm Spinner's or Necropotence. It would certainly drop the prices, but as I mentioned earlier, I think after a week or so it would balance out.

Either way, I think you're right about it becoming relatively boring to look at, as overbalancing can lead to dead spots just as much as inbalance (for lack of a better term).

Again, thank you for responding with reasoning and logic rather than sarcasm and belittlement.

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