Don Han'Cho

Goat format is a reference to a very old meta revolving around Scapegoat in order to avoid heavy damage and a fair amount of board clears and ressurect effects existed. This led to drawn out games where card advantage and lifepoints were pretty relevant. Since a lot of the cards had strange interractions with each other, especially the mirror-match it led to some interesting mindgames. One of my favourite bluffs was to set a card called "Sinister Serpent' so that they couldnt see what the monster was but couldnt attack me without first attacking the monster. Its a bluff because a common move was to set Gravekeeper's Spy which would summon a 2nd Gravekeeper's spy if it was attacked or flipped up from being set. This would bait removal for the Spy which is extremely punishing to be hit by. This bluff was risky as Sinister Serpent had a lot of utility against hand destruction so revealing it would mean they wouldnt blow it, and you would be vulnerible to it while it was set/freshly killed and its poor defence made piercing very painful

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