Don Jr. Implores Young Supporters To Ditch Peaceful Bible Rule Since It's 'Gotten Us Nothing'

Fuck me these people are stupid.

For shits and giggles I decided to actually watch the video. Turns out he was talking about cancel culture and maybe referring to deplatforming and the blatant propaganda created by the left such as that article itself. Either way, it was vague at worst.

But how the fuck do you get "Christian taliban" out of anything he says? Maybe learn basic critical thinking skills before calling other people stupid. Is mindless outrage literally the only thing you people are good at?

I mean look at the OP:

Stupid, angry and armed with guns.

Welcome to MAGAstan.

Nowhere in the video is DJR promoting anything to do with gun violence... I mean, wtf? Conservatives promoting the 2nd amendment (gun ownership) in general is also not analogous to gun violence. It must be nice being able to lie and just make shit up and have everyone upvote you because Reddit is a clueless circle jerk of imbeciles who believe whatever propaganda shows up on their screen.

This is why the democratic party is dying and why Trump got elected in the first place.

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