I don’t know why but I’m terrified of men as a collective

You're probably not noticing the good, loving fathers because they are usually quiet and insular about it. Assholes stand out. My dad wasn't a very emotional guy and I think we've hugged about a dozen times in 40 years, but we always had food, a roof over our heads, and help if we ever needed it.

There are way more single moms than dad because that's long been the expectation and until the past decade or so, courts would commonly side with the mother even if she was terribly abusive. My half-sisters didn't get to see my dad from the time they were about 10 years old until they were 16 because their mother refused to let my dad see them and moved around constantly. So, it's not so simple as "men are assholes."

Yeah. There are a lot of perverts and assholes in the world. Humanity isn't that good. Women would probably do it more often if they were stronger. That's the main issue there. Predators go after people they perceive to be weaker than them or vulnerable.

Women aren't that nice either. They're just assholes in a more subtle and cerebral way. People are not all that good in general.

Life will show you that as you get older.

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread