Or don’t buy self help books since they’re from MY perspective at least not THAT helpful and get motivated in other ways. Also Why do these white people make everything about race and gender etc.

they're setting themselves up to be quickly usurped by the next generation of woke morons as they try to snatch power from the older generation.

If you want to see this in action, the Fat Activist movement has been going on long enough for there to have been a lot of this going on. The sequence is thus:

  • Fat activist cultivates a high profile, does speaking engagements, maybe writes a book, definitely has some shitty blog.

  • Insists that Health At Every Size has merit and you can be grossly obese and perfectly healthy.

  • Gets tons of praise and validation from other fat activists.

  • Is now over 35, things are beginning to ache because 540 lbs on a 5'3 human female skeleton.

  • Starts to get really sick, orgs don't want to put them front and centre because they're no longer very mobile.

  • Internet following starts to collapse because they are no longer vivacious and glam because they are so sick.

  • Abandoned by people they thought were friends because of how they are a disabled reminder that human bodies cannot live into old age while permasquatting five plates.

  • Rapid fade into embittered obscurity and irrelevance, left behind by a movement that giveth identity and taketh away.

Look at how the woke feminists have turned on second wavers like Germaine Greer already. Eventually the rules of woke will change and leave the current generation behind as well. It's a movement that does not care for its elders.

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