Don’t Call It “Eco-Fascism.” It’s Just Plain Hate.

First of all, you have to marvel at the "dumber than a box of hammer handles" stupidity of a guy who complains about the number of Hispanics appearing in Texas. Let me just repeat that: Texas. Which used to be part of Mexico. And before that was part of Spain. Holy Jeez. As for his "eco-manifesto," we're back to Ted Kaczynski with his own eco-manifesto which cited environmental concerns as the reason for his anti-technology views and the justification for his bombings. Now, admittedly, by the point at which he was living in a shack in the woods and killing people, he had long since lost his mind, but if you read about his early life, he was an off the charts genius and mathematician, who skipped grades, and was just purely focused of the discovery of mathematical truth...until he cracked up. Anyway, the inevitability of finding a manifesto wherever you find a mass murderer, especially white supremacists, has gotten positively tiresome. Maybe the next time we'll find an Archie comic for a change.

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