I don’t want FIL smoking while he visits our home with our newborn baby

It may sound extreme, but it’s not ridiculous that he would stop smoking for a month. My BIL and his wife are lifelong smokers and wanted to visit our son when he was young. They knew that even if they smoked outside, the third-hand smoke on their clothing would pose a risk to our son, so they both quit smoking a few months prior to the visit. We didn’t even ask them to do it, they just knew it was in the kid’s best interests. Zero cigarettes for the whole time they were in town. They started back up when they got home.

It’s really not that crazy of an idea. You hear stories all the time about women quitting smoking while they’re pregnant. It’s pretty well known that smoking is terrible for infants, so plenty of people make adjustments while their kids are young.

/r/Parenting Thread