Don’t follow your passion. Follow the money.

I feel like my life is a solid example of this:

Volunteered with the mentally handicapped students from my high school for all four years of attendance, really enjoyed it and wanted to make it a career. Spent my first year of undergrad still undecided but leaning towards special education, but eventually graduated with my BA in Communication and Public Relations*. Found a solid mid-level job three months after graduation, and ultimately ended up working at The Pentagon as a GS-13.

With the money I make, I am able to have a stable life while volunteering with the disabled. Still get to have my passion, but don't have to depend on a Ramen diet.

*Yes, I am aware Comm degrees are often mocked or looked down upon. However, my experience as an active duty Marine was actually more marketable than most degrees I could have attained. Earning it was mainly for the sake of working for the DoD.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread