Don’t know how to enjoy my weekends without him

My ex and I broke up about a month ago after being engaged and living together for almost 2 years. At this point, my ex no longer lives with me. It’s been a rough transition from spending almost all my free time with that person to living alone. Nights are the worst because we used to share a bed, and now I sleep by myself.

Honestly, I’m still healing and still figuring out how to cope with the breakup. However, I can list some of the things I’ve done to distract myself. Sometimes playing mindless games on my phone (like Bubble Pop or Yahtzee or whatever) is a good distraction from my emotional pain. Sometimes watching TV or movies is a good distraction. Sometimes texting my parents or friends (or visiting my parents in person when I can) is a good distraction. I just do what I can to help myself feel better in the moment, and I try to take care of myself as best I can (which means eating healthy, getting enough rest, drinking water, and so on).

Also, don’t beat yourself up for feeling sad. I don’t know how serious your relationship was or how long you guys were together, but it sounds like he meant a lot to you. It makes sense that you’re not coping well right now. I wanted to marry my ex, and the end of our engagement was extremely painful for me, so I’m not putting pressure on myself to be 100% over it after only a month.

/r/AnxiousAttachment Thread