I don’t like dogs, and I hate having one.

Lifelong dog person here. You're not wrong. I totally get it. My last dog died a couple years ago and right now I'm really enjoying not having a dog. Even though I've had dogs all my life and will probably have one again someday. And even though I think they're overall very worth it. Nonetheless, I completely understand where you're coming from.

Right now, my wife and I can take off and go on a weekend trip any time we want, without having to find a sitter or a doggy hotel. Feels so nice.

Not having to clean up the shit and piss on the side yard. My dog had a grass area but always preferred to do her business on the cement. And nothing stinks worse than dog shit and piss on cement. It fucking reeks. I was out there every weekend power-washing that and soaking it with bleach and pine-sol. Not having to do that anymore feels fucking fantastic.

Then there were the vet bills when she started getting older. Totally insane. Now that money is going to pay down debt.

And that constant smell in the house that literally every guest immediately noticed as soon as they set foot in the house... Gone. And we got rid of the old nasty carpet that had pet stains on it from when the dog started becoming incontinent in her old age. New hardwood floors. Feels great.

So hey, don't feel bad for not liking it. Like I said, I'm still a dog lover and will probably have one again someday because I think the good outweighs the bad. And I miss my dog all the time. But your complaints are totally valid and are not falling on deaf ears.

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread