I don’t want to be mad at my husband anymore but I don’t know how to forgive and forget.

Forgive and forget will happen. It'll happen once you're out of the trenches and you're getting more sleep and the baby's eczema is taken care of, and you will not even remember that your husband annoyed the crap out of you and seemingly could hardly care for himself during these earlier days. You'll probably only remember that this was your life when you see a reddit post by someone else going though the same thing.

Until you've forgotten though, the best system me and my husband came up with was creating a shared calendar and various shared lists on our phones. PUT EVERYTHING ON THE LIST. That's still kind of a mantra in our house "if you want me to remember, put it on the list". Another thing that really helped me to not want to murder my man was to just get the hell out of the house, alone, for an hour or two every few days. Being my own person and not having to worry about if shit was getting done or not really helped me reset.

/r/beyondthebump Thread