“Don’t underestimate the guy:” President Obama speaks out on Donald Trump in last White House interview

I get it Trump is the worse and I agree. I also get your a Dem so I now exactly how you feel about everything. My problem is, like most Americans, I'm sick of the "lesser of two evils" that we are forced to choose from every damn time. Put it this way, Hillary was so bad that she lost to Trump who is the worst candidate to ever run and win. That should tell you about how Americans including Dems and independents feel about her. I mean c'mon literally any other person besides Weiner would of got a Dem in the White House and more Dems in the house. You're telling me Clinton with all of her knowledge, expertise on geopolitics, and psychic-like foresight couldn't see this? She knew the Dems had better candidates but insisted on running despite old age and bad health. If she truly cared about the country she would of not ran and campaigned for the candidate that did. It makes her look pretty selfish, really. Like I said I almost always vote Dem but they just don't impress me anymore, either.

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