I don’t want to be a vegan anymore

It's about daily, serious illnesses and physical pain.

Usually inflicted by other animals. Otherwise most of these animals receive immunizations and things. Do you know how much money a farmer makes from an injured animal? None. Zero. If the animal has an obvious injury or can't stand, it's a health risk to the other animals. It's the law.

eat a diet that doesn't cause you intense gastrointestinal pain

Don't tell the lactose-intolerant people who really love ice cream.

kicks you and beats you to make you move to worse conditions, aren't bred to such a standard that you can't even walk

Again, bruised meat is worthless and an animal that cannot stand cannot be legally processed.

you won't be transported for days without food or water

The longer an animal is transported, the more money a farmer loses at sale because of this. The better access the animals have to food and water, the more they get at sale. It's like you only researched what you want to hear.

all to but cut apart with a good chance that you are still alive.

Which is illegal.

Please do some research on what factory farming is really like before having strong opinions on what it is.

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