I don’t know what to do anymore. My teeth are terrible and aren’t getting better no matter what I do. It makes me want to die.

Over the past year I’ve worked so hard with my dentist to get my teeth in shape. I brushed so hard as a kid/teen and never ever flossed. I thought floss was genuinely only for if food got stuck between teeth. When I was 18 I had 3 teeth broken by by boyfriend at the time, didn’t address those for years so they got so bad. Now (at 27) I’ve finally gotten those teeth crowned, a few RCT, plenty of fillings. I floss nearly every night, brush 2-3x a day with high fluoride toothpaste, use MI paste, and wear a nightguard for my grinding.

I had my 6 month cleaning a few weeks ago, with xrays (these ones are from the beginning of 2019, I had a few more fillings done that aren’t shown here) and exam and my dentist said everything looks great.

And yet here I am tonight with an achy upper right molar. I’ve also been fighting some sinus/cold stuff so who knows if that has anything to do with it.

I’m just so tired of something hurting and my teeth being so awful. I’m 27 and I’m sure all of my teeth are going to fall out. I just want to die.

/r/Dentistry Thread Link - i.redd.it