Donald Trump calls Minneapolis protesters 'thugs' and threatens to shoot looters

Don't blame the people... At least not until they have been given an actual choice. Our first past the post system, through the spoiler effect, guarantees this behavior since a vote for anyone but their team is directly translated into, essentially, a vote for the other team.

The riots should be at every single state capitol until we get alternative vote or a condorcet system that isn't rigged to guaranteed to devolve into the two party tribalism system that has ruined our republic.

The country is fucked until then. Our only choice is to vote for "I want as many medical bankruptcies as possible," Biden and "I will turn us into China, with the Republican Congress acting as the CCP and myself as Orange King Donnie," Trump.

If I vote for Bernie or Yang, I help Trump or Biden, depending on which state I live in. If I vote Green, they may, gasp, get to say things during a debate that will be instantly dismissed by all major media and they'll get a tiny amount of funding which in no way helps against the billions being spent to keep the previous status quo or continue us on our current "Orange Dictator Good" path.

We're fucked. We need to burn the building down so we can rebuild it on a foundation that isn't crumbling. Neither Red not Blue will allow a peaceful reconstruction. They like having a broken foundation so they can use it to scare and control us.

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