Donald Trump is Dangerous

It seems most socialists/communists are not for USSR style central planning but rather for a more decentralized Catalonia Spain society with an economic foundation on worker co-ops.

Also you're idea of like, allocating 30% of resources for producing needed things doesn't make sense. 100% of wealth is invested in businesses, they pay their workers, and then those workers spend it on other businesses. So you redistribute all the wealth that apple has so that the owners now have only 10,000 dollars, how the hell can they hire anyone to make stuff? Same with pretty much every business in the world. So then basically every business in the world will just close up, and nothing gets produced, everyone starves to death, the end.

Then you say, well the owners wouldn't hire people to make stuff, the workers themselves would be the owners. However this seems like it would be massively inefficient. Let's say a factory will take 100 million to build and each worker/owner will chip in 2000 dollars to start it. It seems like it would prove extremely difficult to get 50,000 people to agree to chip in, especially since any of them could just pull out if they don't like the direction the buissness is taking.

Any businessman/woman will tell you it can be very difficult to get 5 business partners to agree on the direction of a company, much less 50,000.

And I'm assuming you'll evenly redistribute the profits of the factory so that the wealth doesn't accumulate disproportionately again.

But this brings up another problem. Let's say over time 80% of the workers leave the factory for other work/ventures. Do the new workers that replace them get the same cut of the produce as the old workers?

If so why would anyone start a factory, if they take these massive 20% pay cut to get the factory built and put in a lot of effort doing that, if anyone who put no effort into building the factory would just get the exact same amount of money he/she will?

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