Is Donald Trump the first atheist president of America?

I am highly skeptical of that. I think you are going off the assertion that current religious demographics have been the same throughout the history of the US. In reality, the US was founded as a religious country (which is why there are so many allusions to God in official government things, and the inclusion of freedom of religion in the first amendment) and has maintained 2% or less of people who identity as no religion up until about the 1960s or 70s so I highly doubt that many of the 36 presidents from the 60s and before were atheists. Even just one closeted atheist means 3% of presidents were atheists and I highly doubt atheists would be over represented in the presidency of such a religious focused country; if you have a reason why they would be, I would love to hear it. Now during the last 8 presidents, the numbers have increased to about 20%. Hopefully you would agree with me a atheist wouldn’t hide as religious conservative, they’re just pushing the government in the opposite direction they want, Jimmy Carter was super religious, deacon and tough Sunday school, Bill Clinton quoted scripture, and that leaves Barack Obama. I suppose he could be atheist, he has stated he grew up without religion as his parents were not religious, but he claims to be a devout Christian. I suppose you can believe he’s closeted atheist if you really want to but one president is definitely not “plenty”.

In addition, you mention other religions, well first of all I highly doubt a devout Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, or Buddhist would masquerade as a Christian their entire life so they have a shot at becoming president. If you don’t do your own worship and do Christian worship, you practically are Christian.

Regardless of that, you commended about other religions, well Jews are actually over represented in parts of the federal government; for example, 3/9 Supreme Court justices are Jewish. That’s 33.3%. Only 2% of the US is Jewish. As for the other listed religions, they all have under 1% of the population so statistically it would take over 100 presidents for one to be that religion, the US has had 44.

/r/TooAfraidToAsk Thread Parent