Donald Trump is indisputably the worst president in American history

This immigrant child thing has gotten me good. I thought I'd deleted or unfollowed all the xenophobes but a few still seep through. Seeing what they share, condoning these acts, I'm having trouble dealing.

These are white, well off people living in suburbia with kids of their own; I know they've gone through things that you'd think would have the effect of strengthening empathy. But they are still that way.

This sub advocates the pragmatic, get out and vote solution, and that's good, that should happen.

But fuck, these wastes of carbon still exist in large numbers, comfortable enough with their heinous thoughts and their manipulative world views.

As someone who lost both parents, I think about what is happening with those kids and then see these people espouse jingoist, reductive and hateful bullshit and it's having a physical effect on me. Making me have thoughts that I'd be embarrassed to share.

I hate them, truly. I hate to share air with them.

I'd be worried about my self control if I met one in person. Which I haven't, and even when I'm back visiting that cultural dead zone, they are a lot more willing to talk like that on the internet, not so much in person. Go figure.

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