"Donald Trump is not the alternative to Senator Sanders, and you need to know why." An exhaustive comparison of the two candidates by /u/OneYearSteakDay

Sanders calls himself that in order to relate to the average American. Most Americans are very opposed to socialism. The word has taken on a warped meaning in the States. Obviously compared to an actual socialist government, Bernie Sanders would not match up. However, the disparity between his views and those of Trump and especially of other Republicans is significant and dramatic.

The quote and source you've supplied regarding Donald Trump and his views on health care is barely informative, nevermind defining of his position on the subject. He hasn't said anything of value or anything truly meaningful in that. He's pandered to the audience by claiming a group of unknown and non-existent Republicans would "let people die" and then countered this imagined viewpoint by supplying another vague, indirect, and non-committal quote. I can absolutely 100% guarantee that no Republican candidate elected in 2016 would come close to implementing anything like universal health care on a federal level. Most are completely opposed to the idea. In fact, there would almost certainly be negative progress made in that field in repealing of obamacare.

Unfortunately, you have a naïve, if not entirely misinformed view on American politics. There is significantly more overlap between Bernie Sanders and Hilary Clinton than there is between Sanders and Trump. By miles. They are two completely opposing figures in terms of political beliefs, and its not subjective. Voting for Bernie Sanders and voting for Donald Trump would be voting for two ENTIRELY different types of governance and politics. Someone who shares the political views of Bernie Sanders would not share the views of Republican President Donald Trump and would almost certainly be voting against many of the ideals and beliefs that they value.

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