Donald Trump’s Current Mental Capacity [Discussion]

she would've been long gone by now.

however there's no way she would have been able to convince those around her that she is fine to appear on TV or whatever. bill or the rothschilds or whoever would've pulled the plug by now. the people closest to Donald Trump are the whipped dogs who kept coming back (or are people who benefit from the country's embarrassment). they're not going to have the ability to stop him from Public Sundown. or if you believe he is in the pocket of Israel/Russia/Mutti Merkel/whatever - they're not gonna pull him off the stage before he poops his pants during a tv appearance. gotta get your money's worth.

whats darkly funny is that this actually happens all the time with family businesses in america!

the patriarch sorta gets loopy but everyone is still making money off his position (in this case allowing Jared Kushner to do a Henry Kissinger LARP), so no one steps up. and then one day the old guy does something too far beyond the pale and the family steps up. not sure how that part of the play is going to pan out.

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