Donald Trump’s media summit was a ‘f—ing firing squad’

Feigning the benefit of the doubt is straight up disingenuous. Don't be coy, I'm not scared of ad homonyms you're alluding too. After all it's very en vouge in your circles now days and drastically.

Due to the mechanics of the electoral collage it's winner take all for the state. That means the largest voting blocks take sway the electoral vote. Southern states with larger, but still minority black voters do not really impact the election in those areas. See Southern Strategy. Now the political analysts talk ad nauseum about identity voting blocks as you are well aware, and to their point there seems to be patterns that align to those blocks.

The Red States this election were determined by the majority voting block which were white voters. As you put it, whites overwhelmingly favored Trump.

Now that I've addressed your accusation that my motivations were somehow racist and why I asked the question in the first place. Would you mind explaining why white educated voters, the ones who shaped the election preferred trump if educated means they are more capable of logical deduction?

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