Donald Trump said 17-year-old Ivanka made him promise not to date younger than her

The first photo is of her in a relatively revealing skirt on his bed kissing his cheek, the second with another short skirt caressing his face while they lean on a statue of parrots fucking...both of those look normal to you?

Well for starters I am not a stickler for the wardrobe and thats not my place to judge her for how she is dressed.

The first picture looks like they just got back from or are just about to head to an event, they are both dressed nice, and its a casual picture, I think you're looking for something weird there. The face caress is a VERY common sign of affection, and is foolhardy to automatically attach lust to that gesture. I also dont see what the statue has to do with them, although even after you pointed it out I still dont see parrots "fucking", I just see parrots... even if they were... who cares? Its a bird statue.

I'll give a pass on the other two, they're just additional weirdness when you see the first two, although sitting in his lap in short shorts is odd.

The lap thing is a little odd in my opinion as well, but again, I dont automatically go creeper assumption on it, it just seems unusual, but not creepy.

I agree we've already got plenty to be disturbed by, but objectively most of us look at these photos as inappropriate or weird.

As for the video, this is the approximate transcript:

Wendy asks Ivanka and then Donald what they have in common.

Ivanka: Either Real estate or golf

Donald: Well, I was going to say sex, but I can't relate that.

To be clear, he's not admitting to having sex with her, it's just confusing why the fuck that would be the thing at top of his mind, especially after she gives two normal answers.

LOL now THAT is creepy! I didnt know what the video was but yeah thats totally awkward and creepy especially if taken out of context, I have no idea how he can explain THAT away.

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