Donald Trump set to become next President of the United States predicts NYT and 538

How do you even prepare for a Trump presidency?

How do Hispanic parents tell their children that over half the country thinks they're rapists that should be kept out of the country?

How do Muslim parents tell their children that Donald Trump wishes they weren't in the country?

How do gay people reconcile themselves with the fact that their own home country has betrayed them?

How do people tell their daughters that the man who bragged about grabbing women by their genitals without consent is the President?

How do young and empathetic people find a glimmer of hope when their countrymen voted for such a vile human being?

Trump voters threw the country under the bus for an ideological pipedream. You're not getting the steel mills back. You're not getting your wall. The tax cuts are going to the richest people in this country and you are still going to be poor and angry because Donald Trump doesn't give a fuck about anyone but Donald Trump.

All you did was make life harder for gay people and minorities and Muslims just because you think the man from the reality tv show was going to fix your problems.

You've devastated several communities with your vote. You chose a lie that won't make your life any better over supporting AMERICANS who don't look like you do or love like you do. I hope in the next four years you find the hindsight required to be deeply ashamed of yourself. I know I am.

Until tonight I thought we were more good than bad. I thought the good hearted outnumbered the self serving bigots. I thought they were just a large and extremely vocal contingent. I didn't think they had the overwhelming support that apparently exists.

I've never been ashamed to call myself an American until tonight.

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