Donald Trump takes a moment to fix his son's tie while the election is still too close to call

Building a wall to keep out "mexicans" when its proven that more illegal immigrants come legally and overstay their welcome.

Then they need to go back unless they are allowed to be here. Nothing about that is racist, not even mentioning Mexican isn't a race.

What about all of the other illegal immigrant groups that live in the country, or are only Mexican/central american immigrants a problem?

That goes for all illegals. It's just that illegal Mexicans are clearly the biggest problem.

There was zero talk of persecuting the businessmen who hire illegal immigrants.

I also wish this was focused on more, but the above issues don't change.

legal immigration is a massive and complex problem but his policies focus all of the effort on the superficial aspects of said problem.

Yes, the actual illegal immigrants are superficial aspects, gotcha.

Banning, specifically one religion of people from the country.

When did he say that? All I heard was he wants proper vetting for people that come from countries with terrorist ties.

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