Donald Trump White House A Poor Source For Facts | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

OF COURSE HE LEAKED TO HER! What, she stumbled across the one time he paid up? (Unless you think he's been paying all the time)

She got those returns because she was meant to, and she played her part beautifully. She created a story about nothing, discrediting herself and thus the media whilst making Trump look good.

He knew she couldn't resist it.

He didn't stumble his way into a billion dollars and a Presidency by accident, he made very calculated decisions and predictions, and more importantly made everyone think he just got lucky.

He's here to stay and crap like these non-stories, opinion pieces and in this case quite literally a joke (as in quip, calm down) is posted as serious news

Trump acts like an idiot, don't be one trying to stop him.

Of course you're just going to miss the point, downvote and pretend he's an idiot and his detractors are gods.

Want him to win a second turn? Keep it up.

Say goodbye to all the good things. Healthcare? Drug reform? Social services? Gone, and you will never be able to stop it if you can't take a step back and analyse things critically

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