Donald Trump's 'racist' tweets: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Chris Evans and Janelle Monae hit back at the President

yaeh you are fullll of shit trolling, you said her father could be said barre dictator, oh a wiki articleabout him so baddd!!!!!!!!!

ilhan omar might have even married her brother, who knows, may come to light

what's hilarious is the president is on the same level as you trolls, making up crap

“I look at Omar, I don’t know, I never met her. I hear the way she talks about Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda has killed many Americans. She said you can hold your chest out, you can — when I think of America, when I think of Al Qaeda I can hold my chest out.”

"They are anti-Israel, pro Al-Qaeda" he tweeted

so many americans are shitheads for supporting him

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