I have Trypanophobia, an intense fear of hypodermic needles. I fear dying of Covid more, so when the time came to be vaccinated I bought a jumbo-sized jar of tattoo numbing creme to place over the spot my vaccination would go, compiled a 2 hour long stress-reducing mix of calming music to play beforehand, and took half a valium.
Despite this, the nurse urged me to take the shot lying down because my blood pressure was spiking and she didn't want me passing out on her. When I told her I was fine, I could do this, she took a paper towel and put it to my forehead. It came away dripping wet, so yeah, I lied down prone for the shot.
I made it through, did not pass out. She kept me seated for 30 more minutes regardless just to make sure my blood pressure went back to normal.
My point is I'm 42 and I got a Flintstones band-aid and a sugar-free lollipop on my way out. I consider this a personal win.