Donkey Kong 64 101% run stream raises $230k and counting for transgender youth charity, has featured guests John Romero, Jim Sterling, Grant Kirkhope, et al

Also, if you’re looking for the lefty version (when it comes to social issues)of Ben Shapiro then I recommend Destiny. Destiny is a twitch streamer who started off as your typical gamerbro and did a complete 180 a few years ago and became really fucking smart. Unlike Ben, Destiny is logically consistent, intellectually honest, and looks to find the truth through that and facts. For normies, I think he’s known most for exposing Jontron. Just in the past 1-2 weeks, destiny has debated alt-right skeptics, Jesse Lee Peterson, a Jordan Peterson fan, and a republican running for a senate seat in California. He has some 10/10 debates but keep in mind, he very open to having his mind changed so a 2 year old video of his can be outdated when it comes to some of his thoughts.

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