I don't know.

Hmmm, I'm not sure what you should do in your situation. I'll try to give you the upsides of what I'm seeing. I see you have employment, shitty or not. You also have a significant other, someone you can confide in and should be expressing this to when the time is right. On top of that, you have an outlet here to express yourself, and at least this small amount of time to meditate and think things through. You have parents who are still alive, and I know people who don't have parents, and I'm sure you do too.

This isn't a "Count your blessings" speech. Because the depression and self-hate definitely overpowers a lot of the obvious benefits which you have. How do you get past it though? I'm not entirely sure, other than use your mental power of planning things about. Try to do one thing new that you haven't been doing, one new, uplifting and beneficial thing, whether it is waking up 30 minutes earlier, or reading a magazine, buying a gift, or telling someone about something you thought was interesting and important to you.

Maybe you can write down how much debt you have, and write down how much money you take away, net, after spending in a month. Then write down the exact months or years it will take to pay it off with the net income. In addendum to that, you will also be making some sort of increase with your wages, and you never know, your boyfriend might make a little or a lot more in the near future too. I think the big drawback with a lot of people is waiting for things to happen rather than looking from the eagle-eye view on your life, your situation, taking it all in, and making plans.

If you make multiple [plans, if one goes wrong, you can fall back on to another one. They don't need to be something Einstein would think of, just simple things you should keep in mind to keep your progress. Creating your own sort of progress report and creating certainty for yourself will make you happier, and it's something I have been doing which helps me. I know it's a rigged system we live in, and it's hard to get ahead. Not even to get ahead - to reach a state of not having to worry so much, just to have less worry in your life. All I know is that planning and working towards plans makes things happen, and just make them simple and reachable, and do nothing drastic, and I think your odds will rapidly turn around in your favor.

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