I dont want to do this

Yikes, pal.

First of all, I never once said 'no one could possibly have it as bad as a gay guy with adhd' -- because I'm not interested in winning the award for Most Miserable Circumstances. I was simply trying to offer you some advice, because you posted in a forum that is geared towards supporting one another.

Second of all, I'm not a guy, and I don't 'just have adhd' either. The majority of people who suffer from ADHD have co-morbid disorders.

In a perfect world, you'd realize that you could be spending your time and energy working towards your goals, instead of wasting it all posting on reddit about how literally no one on earth has ever had it worse than you do right now, and subsequently insulting every single person offering support and suggestions. In a perfect world, I could tell you that your misery is self-fulfilling, and that it's not fair for you to try and drag us down into that misery with you. In a perfect world, you would actually take the time to read the comments we left instead of skimming through as quickly as possible so you could type up your rebuttal where you've explained how your misery one-ups ours, how everything we say is wrong, and how we're such horrible people for responding to your post that seems a lot like a cry for help.

Yeah, in a perfect world, you'd realize you don't actually have it all figured out. If you did, you never would have published such a self-pitying post to this subreddit. But we aren't in a perfect world, and you think you've got it all figured out, and that's okay. I just hope you can talk yourself out of this hole you've dug long enough to see a doctor. As much as you may want to believe that you are completely alone, at an unprecedented level of misery, you aren't -- and you owe it to yourself to get help from a professional whose job is to help people just like you get better. Take care pal.

/r/ADHD Thread Parent