I dont get the ban system

TGenerally you should be looking at banning based off where you plan on laning and what your hero pool is bad against.

Thats pretty much what I do, or I ban sth people cant deal with. But theres no point in banning if you have to be LUCKY to get it through.

Ive lost 4 games in a row now because people in herald (where i am as a new player) absolutely cant deal with Pudge or Sniper and every game, I tried to ban but couldnt.

Every one of those games, I did just fine in my lane but then a fed player appears who already stomped his lane and its gg for me.

Its already a lot to deal with to have ppl with 5k games being support, picking Luna and intfeed (said guy was lvl 13 vs everyone else lvl20+ when we lost), dealing with those bans should at least be some relieft - in my opinion.

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