Don't buy Elite Dangerous, it's a game sold in kit (200€ DLC !!!)

Dude. Seriously. Holy shit. I got it a $45 pack and I went out to do the flight training. "Awesome! This ship has chainguns, lasers, and missiles!" I finish the tutorial and start up a drone stomp. I have my ship this time. Oh...I have 2 really shitty lasers that fire rather slowly.

So I look around for some way to buy weapons. I read all this stuff about "in ge currency being able to buy things". Nope, that's only coming in release. Everyone just uses present tense when talking about it for some reason. "You can buy weapons and stuff with in game currency" they forget to leave out the "when the game releases holiday 2016" or some shit.

So at this point my view is "well I already spent $45, might as well spend a little cash to deck this bad boy out with some badass weaponry. I go to the online store...a fucking ballistic gating is like $16. Are you fucking kidding me?! "Well what the hell does a new ship cost? I'll just get a new ship if weapons are this expensive...




...90...fucking...USD...for the shit I used in the tutorial. And there are only a few below it. Mine was $40 with a shitty laser, I wouldn't dare buy a other one of those class ships. $90 for a competent ship. Or spend $150 to buy weapons for a shitty ship. Oh my lord.

And the /r/starcitizen sub is full of people that think it's okay to spend this much and more. I actually came across a post of "why I spent $1700 on this game and thats okay". What in the Jesus fuck?!

That being said, the game looks awesome, and it's still decently fun to play with a shitty ship, though I would never touch multiplayer since it's likely full of $750 worth of weaponry and ships per person. Wait til the game ships. Until then, look the complete opposite direction. Elite Dangerous would be a welcome release.

TL;DR: God damn, why didn't you say anything sooner.

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