I don't carrot at all about your outrage(Auburn protest)

I'm pretty out of the loop about the whole anti-fa thing, but it seemed like the black tank top guy was saying that there are people that live among them that hold (I'm assuming fascist) views they disagree with.

The carrot guy was just being disruptive and pulling focus.

It's funny, but even if it was a clan gathering, it seems shitty to counter protest a protest.

That's the only thing I've really gleaned from the pro-trump/ anti-fa posts: they try to interfere with each other and rile up the crowds, while making videos to post online to paint the other side bad for people that already agree with their portrayal.

It's like the ignorant polarization and antagonism that makes online battles futile in actually changing opinions and conveying nuances is spreading to IRL and it's just as big a shit show.

I'm really glad there was no violence, but this is all just begging for a neutral intervention and more pragmatic interactions between parties; unless they really do just wanna fight and play games and adhere to a pole.

/r/PublicFreakout Thread Parent Link - youtube.com