Why don't churches do more to attract men?

I have to break this down into groups because there are a lot of issues in having a men's only ministry which is conflicted with the demands placed upon us.

1) Married men's ministry comes off as either a self-help 12 step program or an extension of marriage counseling. The ones who tend to rise to control the groups are generally the guys who have been the most emasculated by their wives and as an extension of that the wife wants to make herself a part of "supporting" the group and interjects her views into it when she isn't even supposed to be there. That along with all of the double standard questioning that occurs about what men actually do in those ministries to the point that it is not allowed to be a helpful activity. I've seen this in multiple churches and denominations.

2) Young men's ministries aren't generally supported well by the church elders due to financial constraints of the budget and fact that the people in control of budgeting find no relevance to themselves in the expenditure of funds. Once the people do get funding and support then no matter how well an event goes half of the elders are going to be naysayers just to keep it from happening again by claiming there was not enough or too many in attendance or worse yet that the "wrong crowd" attended which is many times the entire point of these events. Additionally, if anything does go wrong those same elders will carry that grudge and share their opinion until the day they expire.

3) Single men. Where do we start? It's all about matchmaking from the moment you enter a church whether you're split up, divorced, widowed, or even if you're interested in the same sex you need to be "wifed" ASAP whether you want to be or not and that just kills it before it starts for most guys who are there for spiritual counsel.

In full disclosure, I do not currently attend church because of various reason related to how the church has interacted and interfered with my family relations over the years and the characters who can always find fault in leadership no matter how perfectly they may perform their duties just to stroke their own egos.

I'm Christian and do not place any denomination higher than the value of an individual's faith and living the way that you have each been called to serve.

Men need a place to discuss faith, questions of religion, relationships, work, and health issues without having to be the leader or being judged by others so that the pressure does not become overwhelming but most of us just keep going with the entire load and simply nobody to talk it out with for fellowship with our brothers.

/r/TrueChristian Thread