Don't you think that the citizens of Russia are also to blame for the occupation of Georgia and the suffering of the Georgian people, since they pay taxes that go to support the Russian army, and also for the fact that they silently (and sometimes not so silently) support the current Russian regime?

thats like blaming people who dont go to the protests for their own safety, health and personal beliefs for the government being shit. dont you think blaming civilians of a powerful corrupt country is a bit petty?

i understand there are many really delusional people out there who actually wholeheartadly support russia and its government AND even the occupation of our lands but if we set a standard of russians of off those rotten few then the suffering of Georgian people are more the fault of Georgians than anyone else considering the current political scheme is one where part of the people are supporting an obviously crap government, the other part is supporting a historically crap government and the third part is supporting a small portion of incompetent and dare i say crap politicians and parties. are all of these people at fault for the situation we're trapped in? oh wait here's a hot take: are the people in georgia paying taxes at fault for the instability our current government causes?

i strayed from the point a bit but what i am trying to say is that blaming russian civilians is not right. they arenot some kind of tools for the government (some of them maybe but defenitely not the ones paying taxes like you suggested) each of them have their own beliefs and most of them probably dont support the russian government. labeling them as responsible for the loss of abkhazia and south ossetia is just as i already said petty.

this is my personal opinion and has almost nothing to do with the subject at hand but why do you people care about abkhazia and south ossetia so much? is it something to do with the pride of the nation or did you personally actually lose something by georgia losing the war? because either way getting those parts of land would do nothing to help your situation. i understand that russian invasion of georgia was unwarranted and overall a very terrible thing for our country but i cant imagine just reclaiming those lands would do anything. as far as i am aware most people in abkhazia are ossetians, do you think those people will be happy to be part of our country? would it be logical for our country to want roughly 100k abkhazs just living with us? even if our country was developed to the point where almost all Georgians would be accepting of that i highly doubt the other side wouldnot have problems with that either. in my opinion reclaiming the lands would just end in a disaster.

/r/Sakartvelo Thread