I don't deserve forgiveness for my actions

ive said i'll never drink on many occasions as well...jesus me a friend went to austria, booked a boutique hotel, the most expensive suite near mozarts house, went clubbing, downed a couple of magnums of champagne, and about 4 other normal sized bottles of expensive champers, spent about 1700 euro on champers just that night....woke up the next day and the room looked like a fuckin crime scene, neither of us coild remember a fuckin thing, but yhe was pink sick everywhere with pretzels in it, hangover from hell, rough as fuck, had to ring the wife back in the uk fir advice as we couldnt think for shit, phoned room service and bribed the maid by peeling off 50 euro notes until she smiled as we couldnt understand a sodding word she was shouting, all though with the gesticulating she said it like she meant it....we had another night there as well!

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