I don't know why she did this but I found my reply fitting

There are a lot of young men here who don't appreciate that women will never be as straightforward as a guy, especially with online dating. Guys on this sub won't like it, but attractive women are bombarded with matches and compliments on dating apps constantly. Literally hundreds. You are just one person trying to start a conversation with them, and realising and appreciating this goes along way to differentiating yourself from others.

Your opener was good enough for her to reply, she is showing interest. But most women aren't gonna be totally open and transparent (and as eager to engage with you) from the first message. Someone with 100+ matches isn't going to be as invested or keen as someone with only a few. You need to read between the lines and follow up accordingly.

I really don't think posting here helps either, because there are too many inexperienced young men who don't appreciate the differences men and women face with online dating. Here, you're just gonna get comments like 'you missed a bullet', 'shes just a jerk', which isn't going to help you with being successful in dating because its only reinforcing the wrong perception with what is actually happening here. If you keep on that path, you're always gonna fail in a similar way.

Next time, if a woman shows resistance (which many will) don't give up so easily. She's hardly telling you to fuck off, you should've just made a joke in turn and developed a conversation. Slamming the door shut yourself because your so easily hurt is just shooting yourself in the foot.

/r/Tinder Thread Link - i.redd.it