Don't ever compromise on the big stuff!

It's crazy how similar a lot of your story is to mine right now; I was broken up by someone who couldn't see a future with me due to current job/school obligations... and the big bomb drop of 'I see kids in my future' even though we kind of started dating as mutual ' I don't want that shit '. For some reason, that dark and stressful motivation caused me to re-evaluated my life goals and just fucking *go for them* instead of sulking. For sure I was sad, angry, and a storm of emotions... but I reinvigorated my work-outs, started running (even did a 5K), dieted hard, and I made a list of things I've always wanted to do but just *hadn't* for no reason. Just pure excuses. Lost 20 pounds, did a bunch of solo hiking, visited new cities, caught up with old friends, got rid of shit in my life that was just nothing but a reminder of the past I needed to evolve from. Right now? I'm a much better person and although I'm heartbroken in a lot of ways... it was for the better. I wasn't just compromising... I had grown completely complacent. In less than a year I'll be student debt free as well, but I'm already making good money. I'll be able to do the shit I've always dreamed of but just kept on pause. Moving to a new city to start a new chapter in life. Traveling the globe. Hiking harder challenges. Embracing new skills. It's kind of the weirdest bittersweet feeling, but I guess it's part of the harsh lesson that *only you can make yourself happy* no matter how much you love/are loved by someone else.

/r/childfree Thread