I don't feel guilty for being happy and calm anymore. Being raised by a narcissist mother and hated by my nfamily isn't controlling my life.

I didnt realize that my family was Ns and BPD until I left my violent and abusive, and what do you know, NPD diagnosed husband while I was very ill. I had been so focused on the POS exhusband I didnt have time to really think about what was wrong with my family. I knew my Aunt was messed up, I knew my father was selfish and neglectful and completely selfish and self serving, I knew my Sister was jealous and envious of me, and I knew my brother was deeply angry about everything in life and bitter that people had things that he didnt because no one else deserved them because he was entitled to it all, dammit. I left the POS, dealt with abuse from my family about how I should go back to this loser that I supported financially who tried to kill me because that was the best I could do according to them. Then my sister kept "instructing" me on how to properly clean glasses and was shocked when I did it "right" while I stayed with her for a few weeks while finding an apartment. Once I got away from her, got my own place, I was so much better.

I started to think about how I ended up with such a loser like I did, then it kinda firmed up in my head. I came from that, so I didnt recognize it when I saw it in the POS. I cut them all off August 2014. They still try to get to me, and have been pretty well blocked from doing that because I had an android phone which prevented them from calling, texting, and leaving voicemails, so as you can imagine, its been pretty heavenly since then. Until I got a new phone, which turned out to be an Iphone 5S. And apparently blocking people doesnt prevent them from leaving voicemails. So, I just realized today that I had a voicemail from my Sister for thanksgiving. Had to delete it, then found out with IPhones you have to do the blocking at the carrier level, then refresh it every 90 days. Which I have done. So, back to peaceful lives for my future.

/r/LifeAfterNarcissism Thread