I don't feel I'll succeed in life

Are you in the USA? If so some colleges like Harvard (& others) have free online courses available as stepping stones. Try writing down interests and link them to a career. Research research research!! It is all possible.

I'm sorry you're feeling down right now. I was literally at your point this time last year, so far I've managed to find my way my with free courses first. Then I went to soo many businesses asking for an apprenticeship and my employer is paying for my courses and exams (I now work in accounts, even though I had no college background in it.). Start learning computer skills like MS ones and your typing speeds too. Believe me, it helps sooo much to get out of retail or front of house hospitality if that's what you desire.

Now is the time to push OP. Use the pain as fuel. The want to succeed and action will get you there. Xxx

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread