Don't be that guy..

That's exactly what you said. Except you said before "AMERICAN gays are sensitive as fuck" when I politely responded to a post where you said people who have beards and wear makeup should "just pick one!" because it makes people not take gay seriously.

And then your gay hypocritical hyper-fragile self the nerve to say that you're a male that wears makeup too.

But even still, I responded extremely politely to you and asked simply why it made you uncomfortable and pointed out that divisiveness is already a problem in the gay community and homophobes don't discriminate.

My comment got upvoted and that's when you went off on me and deleted the entire post like a coward bc anyone dared not to confirm your bias and fear.

And even then, I was polite to you, and told you could have left the post as it could have potentially generated productive discussion on this forum.

So, seriously, just grow up. I don't normally do drama but your passive aggressive lies are getting on my nerves now.

/r/askgaybros Thread Parent